Tracy has struggled with mental illness for a long time, and it was only
exacerbated during her abusive marriage. One day, Tracy finally found the
courage to seek help. She called 2-1-1, the universal mental health crisis line, and
was placed in a shelter.
While there, Tracy was referred to Legacy Treatment Services due to her
depression and anxiety diagnoses. She was placed in our Projects for Assistance
in Transitioning from Homelessness (PATH) program, where she began to
receive therapy and case management services. Tracy was never able to afford
therapy before, but Legacy made this vital service accessbile so she could stick
with her treatment plan.
With the help of PATH’s dedicated staff, Tracy applied for Medicaid, food stamps,
and received vouchers for her own apartment. She was finally out of the shelter
and in a stable environment on a path to begin healing. “I was broken, and
suddenly a light switched on. None of this would have happened without
Legacy,” she reflects.
“You guys were a miracle,” Tracy said. She remembers coming to PATH’s office
at the beginning of her journey. It took everything in her to stand up right, and
Tracy was desperate to get the help she needed. “They just get it,” Tracy said of
the Legacy staff. They were her lifeline when she was hopeless, and she can now
say that she is thriving in Legacy’s care. “I could never repay Legacy for what
you’ve done for me…You gave me my life back.”
Tracy’s goal is to become a peer counselor in the near future. She wants to have
the same impact on others that Legacy had on her. With the help of Legacy staff,
she is currently in training and will soon begin the application process to make
counseling her career.
We wish Tracy the best of luck on her journey from surviving to thriving, and know
she will make an incredible impact on her own future clients some day.